The Wing Fort house is filled with original furnishings and donations from Wing family members across the country. Each of the twelve rooms represent a different period of its history.
Stephen Wing desk, c. mid 18th century
DESCRIPTION: Made on Cape Cod by Stephen Wing, mixed wood, maple, cherry, and pine, c. mid 18th century.
Sugar Bowl, redware c. 19th century
Possibly made locally, missing lid, black dots are decorative.
Painting of Wing descendant c. 19th century
Photo by Kelsey Cronin.
Essex chair c. 1600-1670s.
The Essex chair on the left, designed for children is the oldest piece of furniture in the Fort House c. 1600-1670s. Photo by Kelsey Cronin.
Stemware and stoneware, c. 19th-early 20th century.
Tableware used by residents of the Wing Fort House.
Tuba c. 19th century
Tuba owned by a Wing descendent civil war era c. 19th century.