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WFA President's News - August 2023

Beth Fisher

Updated: Feb 25

You are probably receiving this newsletter in the hazy, hot, humid

(and occasional smoky) days of August. I am writing this in July just after returning from our WFA annual reunion. I cannot come up with enough superlatives to describe how much fun we had in Merced, CA. It was a great friendly, casual gathering of our family for a couple days. There we met new cousins, saw familiar family and friends, ate great food, learned lots about Wings in Merced, and the Fort House and Museum, laughed a lot, guessed at pictures of “what-cha-ma-call-its” from the Fort House, saw enlarged pictures of the Fort House and interesting Wings, shopped ‘til we dropped at the WFA Curator Gift Shop, visited the local historical museum, oh and did I mention had fun! Yes, we had the important required business of board and membership meetings with officer elections too. A more complete summary of this great reunion is later in the newsletter.

I would like to recognize and thank our co-chairs, Cyndy Doherty and Jeff Miller, for getting us out West again, and for all they did to create this friendly and family atmosphere. In addition, thanks to those who assisted them ahead of the meeting, as well as, setting and cleaning things up. There were Wings on hand to help all weekend and the local folks at the Italian American Lodge were also so helpful and hospitable with all the technical stuff making us feel so at home. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. I was also thankful for the Zoom technology to allow many who could not be there in person to join us virtually even for just a short time. It was good to see you on screen. Fun, fun, thank you, thank you!! Mark your calendars now to get together in Sandwich at the Wing Fort House and History Museum, June 21-23, 2024 

As I mentioned, the annual meeting is the time of election and appointment of board officers. Thanks to the officers who have ended their service on the board: Kathy Patton, Kyra Riddle, Robert Wollan, Chester Wing, Gail Yakopatz and Al Glastetter. There are a few board members who have shifted to new positions and I thank them for taking on new responsibilities: Sara Wing, Joyce Schlim, Mark Wing, Paula Wing and Ginger Schmidt. And we welcome a few new members to the board as well: Brad Wing, Melanie Hendrix, John Schlim, Tom Wing and Jeanne Arana.

Our website ( provides a complete listing of our 2023-2024 Board with contact information. I am thankful for such great support from all of the board as well as our honorary directors/past presidents. Everyone works so hard. Thank you!!

We were pleased and surprised to receive generous donations from a couple of reunion attendees. Barry and Holly Walter offered a $25,000 donation to the memory of Rachel Wing Bell (Holly’s mother). This donation will be used to create a future electronic tablet project at the History Museum. In addition, Ed Jones has donated $2,500 towards the painting of the floor in Joshua’s bed room at the Fort House. Later in this newsletter you will also read about 2 donor challenges to help increase the balance of our Endowment Fund. Please consider a donation towards this endeavor.

This is a time of year when local Districts are holding local gatherings/reunions. Reach out to your District Representative (visit the WFA website if you are not sure who that is) to find out if there is a gathering in your area. If there isn’t one happening maybe you can help organize one. I was told it is as easy as two cousins having coffee together. It is so important to keep everyone in touch, sharing their Wing family stories.

If you have any updates to your contact information you can let our Corresponding Secretary  know. Please check to see that you are up to date on paying dues. Dues are a key source of income for our operating expenses. If you are not sure, you can contact the Corresponding Secretary who can quickly look that information up for you.

We are always on the lookout for the many talents in our family. I encourage you to become more involved in a Wing Family project. Please reach out to me, tell me what you like to do and I’d be happy to find something you can help us with. Not hard work I promise. But that reminds me that our Treasurer will be stepping out of her position next year (after several years of service). If anyone with bookkeeping and/or accounting background wants to know more about that let me know! She would really like to start early training on this important position. OK, enough recruitment - - please go and enjoy the rest of your summer - stay cool!

Cousin Prez,  Beth Fisher



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