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President's Newsletter, November 2023

Beth Fisher

I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying beautiful fall weather in

your area. The fall WFA Board meeting took place September 30.

Here are highlights of some of the things we discussed and actions taken:

  • In June our Vice President, Richard V. Wing, Jr. announced he needed to resign. We are thankful to Richard for his work on the board, especially with the Museum Committee. Melanie Hendrix was approved by the board to fill this vacancy. Melanie was the 4th District Rep. To fill that vacancy, Adam Hendrix was approved as 4th District Rep. Thanks to both for stepping up to fill these positions.

  • Three policies were approved for Fort House/History Museum operations: Artifact Collection, duties of the WFA Curator and duties of the Professional Curator.

  • A new logo, proposed by the Communications Committee, was approved. There will be many uses of this logo including gift shop items, print materials (such as this newsletter) and the website.

  • The WFA website is being updated with the input of many WFA members.

  • The WFA Ancestry Family Tree and Family Treemaker databases are in sync. Many thanks to Mark Wing for getting these back in alignment. Our research can continue and be updated in both places!

  • Discussions to explore selling of our property at 73 Spring Hill Road (next door to the Caretaker’s House) and transferring the proceeds to the Endowment Fund. There will be further discussion on this at the March 2024 meeting.

  • Bylaw revisions are being developed to establish an Executive Committee of the Board. This will be finalized at the March meeting in time to notify all members prior to their voting on it at the June 2024 annual meeting.

  • An increase in membership dues was approved. It has been 8 years since dues were last raised. Effective June 1, 2024 annual dues will be $45; Life Membership will be $400. A reminder that the WFA dues year runs from July 1 to June 30.

It’s the time of year when end-of-year donation requests arrive in our mailboxes. Please consider donating to the WFA. This can be done online or by mail. I’m so thankful and proud of our family organization that works to continue telling our stories in so many different ways (our Fort House, History Museum, Owl, genealogy and books). Opening our History Museum this past summer added so much to this endeavor. Every dollar we raise helps pay the bills and further our projects. With the holidays just around the corner, please visit the online Wing gift shop. Great things there and you can also give the gift of a WFA membership!

Thank you to our local district representatives who reach out to our members in so many ways (newsletters, reunions, birthday cards, etc.). And, as always, the forthcoming Owl promises to be filled with fun and interesting Wing stories written and submitted by the WFA family!

If you have any questions about any of this news, wish to help the WFA on any of the many fun projects, or anything Wing related please don’t hesitate to contact me:  

PLEASE mark your calendars to come to Sandwich for the Annual Reunion to be held at the Wing Fort House and History Museum, June 21-23, 2024.

The WFA website has the details.

Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and best in the new year!

Cousin Prez,

Beth Fisher

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