New Membership Form
How To Become A Member Of The Wing Family Of America, Inc.

It is easy to become a member of the Wing Family of America, Inc. (WFA). If you are a blood or adopted descendant of one of the three brothers John, Daniel or Stephen Wing, you can become a member of the WFA. Wives and husbands of Wing descendants can also become members of the WFA. It is very likely that if your last name is Wing or if your mother or a grandmother had the maiden name of Wing that you are descended from one of the three brothers.
The WFA is understandably proud of our history as a Wing Family organization. We welcome all of our cousins to join us. The WFA also welcomes non Wing descendant Associates to join us as Annual Members. Members may enjoy all social privileges of full membership and shall be entitled to attend the WFA Annual Reunions, Three WFA Annual Newsletters, and the Annual WFA OWL Publication. You can become a member of the Wing Family of America, Inc. by filling out the application below and paying your WFA dues.