We are proud of our family and invite you to become a member of Wing Family of America, Inc. (WFA). If your last name is Wing or if your mother or a grandmother has the maiden name of Wing you most likely descended from one of the three brothers John, Daniel or Stephen Wing.
We welcome all cousins to join WFA as voting members. Spouses and non-descendants are welcome and may join as non-voting members.
Not sure how you are related? We can help you find your connection; go to our Genealogy page, fill out the form and our Genealogist will check and get back to you.
Your memberships and donations allow us to continue the preservation of our family properties and legacy. Thank you for your support.
Membership Benefits
As a member, you'll receive:
Free access to the Ancestry Wing family tree
The OWL, Our Wing Lineage an official historic publication of WFA
Window On the Wings quarterly newsletter
Free admission to the Wing Fort House and History Center
Invitations to WFA National and District meetings and events
Opportunity to connect with Wings in your District and across the country
May hold an elected or appointed Board office
Opportunity to volunteer on committees and projects
Opportunity to preserve and sustain WFA historic properties and legacy
How to Join
Click here to fill out the online Membership Application form and make payment.
Or Click here to print and mail the Membership Application form.
Still have questions? Send email to: CorrespondingSecretary@wingfamily.org