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Wing Mysteries

Can you identify these Wings?  We have some photos from the Lorenzo Philander Wing line that need to be identified. Do you know these people? Send your thoughts to

Brick Walls


No matter how long you have been working on your family tree, at some point you will hit a dead end or “brick wall”. It could be because you don’t know where else to look for clues, or because the record you are looking for was destroyed or never created. There are alternate research methods (like researching others in your ancestor’s family which can sometimes yield information about your ancestor), and sources that aren’t online or only are known by locals/families. 


So instead of pounding your head against a brick wall, let us know about your Wing family brick walls and we will see if anyone in the Wing Family can help! Please note that “Wing Family” includes spouses of Wings.


Please submit your request to Cathy Kusnier,, describing your brick wall along with pertinent facts and sources. Also, don’t forget to include your email so Wing Family members can respond to your brick wall if they have information to share with you.


Editorial Note: Brick wall requests will be printed at the discretion of the Communications Committee.

Brick Wall # 1- October 2024

Brick Wall Request from Barbara Wallace Reynales


I am seeking a document showing the birthplaces of Clark Richardson and his daughter, Lorinda
Richardson, second wife of Rev. David Wing.  Clark W. Richardson was born in 1802 in New
York and died in Louisa County, Iowa, in 1892.  His will was probated in Louisa County on 16
June 1892.

Clark married Mary (Polly/Polley) Herrington in Elizabethtown (now Brockville), Ontario,
Canada. The marriage is listed in Marriage Bonds of Ontario, 1803-1834 by Thomas B. Wilson
(Lambertville, NJ: Huntenden House, 1985) as occurring on 4 June 1828.The bride and the
groom were residents of Elizabethtown at the time of the wedding. Clark was a distiller.
Polly, born in 1809, died at age 69 on 11 July 1878, in Louisa County, Iowa.

Clark’s will lists sons Eli, Alonzo, and Richard and daughter Abbegal [sic].  Clark and Polly also
had daughters Olive, Lorinda, and Charlotte and sons Amos and Edwin.

Rev. David Wing descends from John, the eldest of the three Wing brothers who came to
Plymouth in 1630 and settled on Cape Cod. Lorinda was the daughter of Clark W. Richardson
and Mary (Polly/Polley) Herrington. Lorinda Richardson was born on 4 August 1833. She died
in June 1907 and is buried in the Washougal Cemetery, Washougal, Washington. Her stone
includes the engraving “Wife of Rev. David Wing.” They were married at Cherry Valley, Illinois,
on 15 Sept. 1855. She was much younger than he. They may have lived for a time in
Trempealeau, Wisconsin.

I have been unable to find documents proving Clark’s birthplace and Lorinda’s
birthplace. Can you help?


Contact me, Barbara Wallace Reynales, at

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