Migration Project
Over the course of nine years, Bill Imes has painstakingly tracked the migration of the ancestors of the three Wing brothers, John, Daniel and Stephen, from their early years in Cape Cod Massachusetts, to their steady migration West across what is now the United States and north into Canada. We invite you to take some time to explore the scope of the migration of one American family.
How This Data Was Compiled - By Bill Imes, Assistant Historian
For the past several years I have been tracking the migration of the descendants of John, Daniel, and Stephen Wing. I have listed people according to where they died unless after many years in one location, they clearly had died at the home of a child who was looking after them. Unfortunately, we do not know where many of our ancestors died. If we know where they lived when having children, I have used this locale. If we only know where they were born, I have not listed them.
Another problem arises with the name of the place where they lived. Often towns were divided up. It might have been Dartmouth, MA when our relative lived there, but now it is Acushnet. With a couple of exceptions (Wayne, Maine, e.g.), I have simply used the place name at the time they lived there, and then noted its current name. However, I also made an exception in Maine.
Someone born in Fairfield, Maine many years ago, was born in Lincoln County. However, Lincoln County today is 100 miles from Fairfield. So, I have used its current county. I have also used the numbering system from Volume I of the Wing Genealogy. It has some flaws. People were not given a number if they had no known descendants. Unfortunately, that information is often incorrect. Some people were given numbers but have no descendants. More frequently people were not given a number, but they do have descendants. Here it makes sense to add letters to the numbers in order not to produce two different sets of numbers for our ancestors.
I hope that others will review what I have done and add their own genealogical knowledge to it.
If you have migration data you’d like to share, please contact Bill Imes at historian@wingfamily.org.