Twelfth District
District Representative: Jeanne Lassey Arana
Contact: TwelfthDistrictRep@wingfamily.org
Representing: Idaho, Alaska, Washington, Oregon
Meet Your District Representative
I moved to Salem, OR in 1982 after serving as an Army nurse at Madigan Army Medical Center, specializing in Cardiac nursing. I am married to a retired Army helicopter pilot and, between the two of us, we have four children and fourteen grandchildren. We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in 2023. My career has weaved in and out of medicine for 50 years, including a stint as Emergency Medical Services Director for Oregon. I served four years as a Salem City Councilor and worked in State government as a legislative assistant. In my “free” time, I golf, read, and am learning French to keep my brain sharp! I made the leap to District 12 representative in part to honor my Mother, Elvira Shaw Lassey, a lifetime member of WFA who died in 2022 just shy of her 101st birthday. She was very proud of Our Wing Lineage, as am I.
Please list my name on the website as Jeanne Lassey Arana, as I am equally proud of my Lassey lineage!