Tenth District
District Representative: John Schlim
Contact: TenthDistrictRep@wingfamily.org
Representing: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming
Meet Your District Representative

My name is John Schlim. I am the Tenth District representative. I am a descendant of Stephen Wing. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota with my wife, Joyce. Growing up my mother would talk about the Wing Family and of reunions and the Fort House. So, finally, in 2014 we went to our first Wing Family of America reunion in Sandwich and have been attending national reunions nearly every year since. After getting acquainted with lots of new cousins it’s easy to get involved and help where you can. My hobbies fall in line with my working background of being a carpenter and later a truck driver. I enjoy helping do small remodeling projects with friends and traveling. Short day trips on the motorcycle are fun but I like the comfort of the car for longer trips. I also do volunteer work and enjoy spending time with family and friends.