Fourteenth District
District Representative: Ken Keeler
Contact: FourteenthDistrictRep@wingfamily.org
Representing: All areas outside the United States
Meet Your District Representative

I was born and raised on a vineyard near Niagara Falls, Ontario, in 1948. My maternal Grandmother was Clara Wing, descendent of Daniel Wing. Clara lived in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, north of Vermont and died when I was a toddler. All of my bilingual cousins on Mom’s side are originally from Quebec.
I graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College (Guelph) in 1975 and moved to Edmonton, Alberta to practice small animal medicine, mostly on dogs and cats and later with a special interest in caged pet birds, ranging from canaries to macaws. I served on Continuing Education committees as well as a term as President of the Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians and four years on the Council of the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA).
I met Maureen (Mo) at a local vet clinic and we were married in 1978. We’re blessed with 3 healthy adult daughters and two grandchildren, Ruby and Jasper. In 2012 my business manager and I sold the veterinary practice and I retired, then Mo retired a year later from her job as a special needs teaching assistant. Now, we’re part-time kid sitters when their parents need a break! I also have another part-time job as an investigator for the ABVMA, helping investigate complaints made against vets in the province.
If I look pale, it may be due to my regular blood donations for 49 years and counting. 😊 I’ve also participated in the annual Alberta MS mountain bike tour for a number of years, then quit before I hurt myself. And I serve as a reader in the local Catholic Church (I’m Protestant and Mo’s Catholic). Living in oil-rich Alberta, Mo and I try to make personal changes to help heal our planet. We’ve driven an electric car for almost 12 years, had solar panels installed on our roof in 2018 and then 3 years ago a heat pump for a/c in the summer and most of our heat in the winter. Used bath water goes onto the outdoor plants.
Finally, while on vacation in 2014, our family toured the Wing Fort House on Cape Cod and I joined the WFA 3 years later. In 2020, I was asked/begged to accept a nomination as the Representative for District 14 and I did. That’s all, folks.
Ken Keeler, District 14 Rep.