First District
District Representative: Brad Wing
Contact: FirstDistrictRep@wingfamily.org
Representing: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Meet Your District Representative

My name is Brad Wing. I am a 6th generation Mainer and I am a descendant of John. My full name is Bradford Spencer Wing. I am named for a Maine Sporting camp and a stream that my father fished in. I don’t know how he got that by my mother. I was born in Skowhegan, Maine, and I currently live in Brewer. I pay the bills by working as an electrician, but I plan to retire next year.
My wife, Kathie and I like to travel, be it across the country or across the state. Locally, we go in our camper, and we have our sights set on upgrading to a 5th wheel when we retire and living the snowbird lifestyle. We do a thing called Geocaching and it has taken us to amazing places and allowed us to meet and enjoy wonderful friends.
I am going into the “job” as First District Rep with a hope to meet many cousins in the New England states that I am representing. Maybe attend some reunions in other areas besides Maine where we currently have two a year.