Reunion 2025
Save the Date - June 20- 22, 2025
Gettysburg, PA

This summer, the Wing Family of America will hold its annual reunion in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The dates are Friday, June 20 – Sunday, June 22. An early bird dinner will be held on Thursday night. Note in all your plans that Thursday, June 19th is a federal holiday.
The town of Gettysburg is in southern Pennsylvania, about 90 minutes from Baltimore and Washington airports.
Gettysburg’s place in American history makes it one of this country’s most important sites, and today it is revered and remembered as much as ever. We will hear stories about the people who fought here, and the difficulties they faced, and the beliefs for which they fought. Our banquet speaker, Scott Mingus, will delight us with his show, and will remind us of the lessons we may or may not have learned.
We will also provide time during the reunion to visit the battlefield, and you’ll be given a chance to do it in the way that works best for you and your family.
Our Reunion Site
Once we are in Gettysburg, we are pleased that Gettysburg College has agreed to host all our events. Our banquet, board meetings and meals will all be on campus. We will stay in the same accommodations upper-classmen stay in during the school year. The “dorms” are either converted motel rooms or low-rise multi-person shared apartments. We will assign rooms based on requests and space. The college food is excellent, so no worries there.
We have combined the accommodations, the food, parking, and event fees into one low price that covers everything. You’ll find our costs are surprisingly low. If you’d prefer to stay elsewhere, there is the usual assortment of national hotel/motel chains available. Note, however, that your registration will also include a daily usage fee that all attendees pay for use of the college facilities.
We are excited to offer this unique setting for an annual reunion. We think you will have a wonderful and memorable time If you have any questions, please write to us - the reunion co-chairs: Terry Wing or Beth Fisher
We have gathered the basic information you’ll need to plan for the reunion below. Just click on the desired link to take you there.